Encouraging each other in training our children to love the Lord and to love learning
Class Submissions open until November 22nd
We love our teachers! Without teachers, we couldn't have a co-op. Our parents have unique skills and abilities that they can share with our students. We don't set specific classes for our co-op, rather we allow parents to teach the subjects they are passionate about. Anyone can teach at our co-op though we ask that you participate in co-op for at least one semester before you consider teaching.
Teacher Guidelines:
Be on time, early is even better.
If you will be absent, communicate instructions and deliver supplies to your helpers. They are your substitutes.
Dismiss students at 5 minutes before next hour except for the last hour.
Clean up after your class: wipe board, wash surfaces if needed, sweep, 3rd hour class pull trash bag and put it in the hallway, replace bag, reset room.
Be at registration to accept payments and answer questions about your class.
Classes with Bible content will need additional approval.
Class Submissions
In an effort to provide classes for a variety of ages where students will have several choices, we are separating the class submissions form by age groupings. Please select the appropriate age grouping for your class. On the form, you will be able to specify exactly which grades you would like to have in your class. If your class is for a broad category of ages(like our board games class) please submit a lower elementary form and designate your grades in the other considerations box.