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We have two semesters per school year. Fall semesters typically run from early September until mid-November. Spring semesters typically go from late January to late April.




Every semester is different at Co-op! Because we operate on volunteer teaching, we encourage our teachers to hold classes on the things they are passionate about. This is why we can't say for sure which classes we will have, but we can give an idea. We will usually have some type of art, science, literature, etc. 


Each semester will have a period of time for teachers (that is any CRCS homeschool parent) to submit their classes followed by an in-person registration a few weeks before our start date. We aim for our semesters to have around 10-11 weeks.


The bulk of our classes are on Fridays with three one-hour class periods at 9am, 10am, and 11am. You can come for as many classes as you'd like or just one.  We also have some Thursday afternoon classes for just 9th-12th graders with one-hour class periods at 2pm and 3pm or a two-hour class period from 2pm-4pm.


See the parent/teacher page for more information about registration.


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